10 Areas to Avoid in Columbus, OH [TOURIST SAFETY GUIDE]

Welcome to the vibrant city of Columbus, a gem nestled in the heart of Ohio. While I’ve cherished my time exploring its bustling streets and cultural hotspots, there’s a practical side to every city tour. Experienced as a tourist, I’ve gathered that knowing the areas to avoid in Columbus can greatly enhance your visit.

Navigating an unfamiliar city can be daunting, and safety should always be your top priority. Like any large metropolis, Columbus has its popular skate parks alongside spots that might be less than ideal for unwary travelers. A bit of local insight can go a long way in ensuring a pleasant experience.

Therefore, let this be your guide to enjoying all that Columbus has to offer, worry-free. We’ll delve into the lesser-known streets and districts that might not be the best to wander into, so you can focus on creating memorable moments in the must-see areas of this Ohioan capital.

areas to Avoid in Columbus


Top Areas to Avoid in Columbus, Ohio

1. South Linden

South Linden is often cited as one of the high-risk neighborhoods in Columbus due to crime rates that are above the average. Nonetheless, it is a community steeped in a rich history with residents actively engaged in initiatives for revitalization and the enhancement of safety.

Travelers seeking to experience the genuine atmosphere of Columbus might want to learn about top dining spots in Columbus as they venture into South Linden. While engaging with the community and local businesses, it’s recommended to stay informed and practice standard urban safety precautions.

Address: South Linden, Columbus, OH


2. Weinland Park

Weinland Park, a Columbus neighborhood often listed among areas to avoid in Columbus due to its crime rates, is perceived with caution by visitors. This neighborhood, nestled in the heart of the city, has a dynamic community actively seeking change and improvement. Its urban charm and ongoing development projects make it a place of potential, despite safety concerns.

Within this area, guests can detect the vibrant spirit of a neighborhood on the rise. When exploring Weinland Park, it is wise to remain vigilant, just as in any urban environment. Embrace the locality with its unique character while maintaining personal safety and peace of mind.

Address: 1280 Summit St, Columbus, OH


3. The Mount Vernon Area

The Mount Vernon area of Columbus walks a fine line between revival and struggle. While striving for transformation, it remains one of the Columbus high-crime areas, necessitating caution from visitors due to crime rates that can be concerning. Residents and community leaders are driving efforts to enhance safety and community cohesion, which brings a hopeful undertone to the district.

Despite this, those visiting Mount Vernon should prioritize their safety. The district’s rich potential is tinged by challenges, prompting travelers to stay alert and informed. In a spirit of cautious exploration, one can still uncover the neighborhood’s unfolding renaissance—ample reason to visit with eyes wide open.

Address: 899 Mt Vernon Ave, Columbus, OH


4. Hilltop

Hilltop stands as a district with a duality of charm and challenge, mirroring Columbus’s greater narrative of urban contrast. Its storied streets echo a past richness, yet not without current trials, as it’s known as one of the risky areas in Columbus, where safety concerns persist. This neighborhood is both a canvas for community invigoration and a reminder to navigate with care.

Residents are banding together to rewrite Hilltop’s story, infusing it with renewed purpose and pride, even as visitors are advised to stay watchful. Walking its streets offers a genuine slice of Columbus life, but do so with vigilance. Here, the spirit of transformation is tangible, inviting cautious witness to its ongoing journey.

Address: 100 S. Eureka Avenue, Columbus, OH


5. Franklinton

Franklinton often hailed as Columbus’s next bright spot, grapples with its fair share of revitalization hurdles. Its artistic undertakings hint at a future less defined by its gritty past. Yet, visitors are advised to approach with a blend of enthusiasm and caution, reflecting the neighborhood’s current transitional state and its reputation as one of the areas with high crime rates in Columbus.

This district embodies the quintessence of urban rebirth, drawing creatives and entrepreneurs alike to its burgeoning scenes. However, caution should guide explorations, as the area is still shaking off its rough edges. Franklinton invites a discerning traveler to engage with its ongoing metamorphosis, holding promise beneath the patina of struggle.

Address: 400 W Rich St, Columbus, OH


6. The South Side

Like its neighboring districts, The South Side of Columbus is a complex tapestry, rich in potential yet marred by concerns. It’s a community where the energies of its inhabitants are poised to ignite a transformation, seeking to dispel the shadows of unease that linger in some areas.

Serving as a microcosm of Columbus’ broader societal challenges, The South Side illustrates the ongoing balance between potential and precaution, with safety considerations remaining paramount amid Columbus’s problematic communities.

Community efforts shine, hinting at a brighter horizon, yet practical vigilance is essential for those traversing its streets. As this area aligns its aspirations with action, cautious optimism best suits the curious visitor looking to witness regeneration firsthand.

Address: 945 Parsons Ave, Columbus, OH


7. East Columbus

East Columbus, a tapestry of promise and precaution, teeters on the edge of change and challenge. Boasting a dynamic cultural atmosphere, the district beckons the adventurous, yet echoes with the need for prudence. Its streets unfold stories of transformation, but travelers must navigate with alert awareness, as areas with increased police presence persist amidst progress.

This neighborhood serves both as a beacon for the future and a reminder of vigilance. Visitors are drawn to its ongoing renewal, yet a discerning eye is wise, as certain areas require careful consideration for personal safety. East Columbus showcases the delicate dance of rejuvenation against the backdrop of urban caution.

Address: 3001 E Main St, Columbus, OH


8. Livingston Avenue Area

The Livingston Avenue Area, while brimming with local character, does require mindful navigation due to its reputation as one of the Columbus cautionary districts. Its landscape, at once lively and cautionary, hints at a neighborhood in the throes of change. Residents and advocates invest hope in its revitalization, drawing on a resilient spirit to reshape their community.

Yet for those drawn to its streets, awareness, and forethought are advisors. The area manifests a dual nature — potential intertwined with risk — suggesting visitors move with care. It is in this balance that the Livingston Avenue Area’s future is being cast, a delicate equilibrium between growth and watchfulness.

Address: 783 Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH


9. Milo-Grogan

Milo-Grogan, with its textured history, stands as a testament to Columbus’s diverse urban fabric. A district of contrast, it promises growth yet advises vigilance. For those exploring Columbus, Milo-Grogan is recognized among the Columbus neighborhoods to avoid; the promise of transformation is often juxtaposed with current concerns for safety.

This community, though ripe with potential, remains on the list of places where travelers should tread carefully. Aspirations for renewal contend with realities that call for heightened alertness. Visitors attracted by its raw charm should stay aware of their surroundings, ensuring their time in Milo-Grogan is both memorable and secure.

Address: 1000 E 5th Ave, Columbus, OH


10. South of Main

Venturing into the South of Main district reveals a neighborhood where charm and challenge coexist. Amidst the backdrop of Columbus’s expanding urbanscape, the South of Main area, often regarded as one of the less secure neighborhoods in Columbus, poses a complex narrative — one where the eagerness for renewal can sometimes be overshadowed by the pressing need for caution.

This community paints a picture of contrast — potential mingled with pitfalls. For explorers and residents alike, South of Main demands attentiveness to navigate its streets safely. While the area beckons with its realness, it also serves as a reminder to remain vigilant, capturing the essence of Columbus’s evolving dynamics in every step.

Address: 1200 Oak St, Columbus, OH



Navigating the vibrant city of Columbus, it’s essential to stay informed about the areas that might be less than ideal for visitors. Whether it’s concerns about crime, uneven levels of development, or a lack of tourist-friendly amenities, areas to avoid in Columbus have been highlighted not to alarm, but to ensure you have the safest and most enjoyable experience. Remember, every city has its challenges, and being street-smart is part of the adventure in exploring new urban landscapes.

As you plan your Columbus itinerary, keep these insights in mind. Embrace the city’s rich culture, and explore its renowned attractions, and if you’re looking for accommodations that provide both comfort and security, consider staying at one of the nice hotels in Columbus, Ohio. Indulge in the welcoming spirit that the Buckeye city is known for. Just keep your wits about you, as you would in any large city, so your stay is memorable for all the right reasons. Here’s to a fantastic voyage through the heart of Ohio, where caution merely adds to the color of your travel tales!


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary factors that make certain areas in Columbus less safe?

The primary factors contributing to certain areas being less safe include high crime rates, gang activity, poor lighting, lack of community resources, and economic disadvantage.

Can crime statistics be used to identify areas to avoid in Columbus?

Yes, crime statistics can provide insight into the safety of different neighborhoods. Areas with higher rates of violent crime, theft, or drug-related activities can be indicators of places to be more cautious or avoid.

Are there any particular times of day when it’s best to avoid these risky areas in Columbus?

It is generally advisable to avoid risky areas late at night or during times when streets are less populated and businesses are closed, as these conditions can lead to a higher chance of encountering crime.

What precautions can one take if they have to travel through one of these areas?

If you need to travel through one of these areas, stay alert, keep valuables hidden, avoid distractions like using your phone, travel in groups if possible, and stay in well-lit, populated areas. Additionally, inform someone of your travel plans, and if you feel unsafe, trust your instincts and leave the area.

Are there any community efforts or improvements in Columbus to enhance safety in these areas?

Yes, Columbus has various community efforts and improvement plans to enhance safety, such as increased police patrols, neighborhood watch programs, urban renewal projects, community outreach initiatives, and investment in local infrastructure. These efforts aim to reduce crime and revitalize neighborhoods in need.

Post Author

Marina Yoveva

Marina Yoveva

Originally from Bulgaria, Marina caught the travel bug about 10 years ago with her first trip to Italy. Ever since there she has been obsessed with learning new cultures, languages and sharing her experiences and travel expertise online. Her favorite country for traveling to so far is Spain.


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